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Private Hospitals

Griekwastad (Helpmekaar) Hospital

Griekwastad (Helpmekaar) Hospital

+27 (0) 53 343 0011
South Africa
Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital

Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital

+264 65 248 115/ 280 400/ 240 111
Sonstraal Hospital

Sonstraal Hospital

+27 (0) 21 862 3176
South Africa
Ceres Private Hospital

Ceres Private Hospital

+27 (0) 23 316 1304
South Africa
Netcare Linmed Hospital

Netcare Linmed Hospital

+27 (0) 11 748 6200
South Africa
Life Brenthurst Clinic

Life Brenthurst Clinic

+27 (0) 11 647 9000
South Africa
Anglo Coal Highveld Hospital

Anglo Coal Highveld Hospital

+27 (0) 13 656 9500
South Africa
Ndlovo Medical Centre

Ndlovo Medical Centre

+27 (0) 13 980 0014
South Africa
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